Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Televsion the Plug-In-Drug"

Winn, M.(2011).Television the Plug-in Drug. In S Cohen. (Ed.), 50 Essays(pp.447-438). Boston: Bedford/St.Martins. Print.

In this essay by, Marie Winn, in 1949, it was predicted that television would take over the way of living, change children’s habits and a be real asset to family life. Television influenced, changed communication, the quality of life and family rituals. The first television set was expensive, there was only one in a household. This was great, it brought families together for quality time, everyone would gather in one room. Family rituals were formed around the television such as mealtime, going to bed at a set time and holidays. However, the early writers and their predictions did not see into the future. They did not see how the influence of television would change and diminish these same rituals. As households became more plugged into this drug, the more time children would spend watching these television images. This in fact, has diminished family relationships, communication and interaction with real people. “Culture has been transformed by Television” (pg 439). The influences of television dominate children and family lives today.

As a society we are so busy with more mothers working, children are left to watch more television, face book friends and play computer games, rather than spending quality time together. The introduction to the television is comparable to social media today. Social media is the new “plug in drug” in some households today. With social media and the mobile devices you can stay connected and in touch instantly. Studies have shown the importance of eye-to-eye contact, real life relationships and having physical contact.  Cultures and societies are changing rapidly as social media continues to evolve.

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